Visably transform your skin in as little as three treatments
SkinPen gives your skin the reset that it needs. Not only is SkinPen the first FDA-cleared microneedling device, but it's also made in the USA – which means it's rigorously tested for safety. Experience radiant results in as little as three treatment sessions!
SkinPen by Crown Aesthetics is the first FDA- cleared microneedling device in the world, clinically proven to safely and effectively fight the appearance of neck wrinkles and acne scars for ages 22 and up. WIth as few as three noninvasive and affordable treatments spaces 30 days apart, you can improve your appearance for six months after your last treatment - and step out with confidence
What is Skin Pen
SkinPen is clinically proven to fight the appearance of neck wrinkles and scars. In fact, 90% of subjects in the clinical trial would recommend the treatment to friends and family. It's a minimally invasive procedure performed in-office with little to no downtime. As the first FDA- cleared microneedling device, SkinPen sets the industry standard for safety
Why use it
Yes, by design, SkinPen's patented- and single use - sterile needle cartridge is built with safety in mind. SkinPen is also surrounded by a custom designed BioSheath that acts as a barrier to prevent cross contamination between procedures. That's part of the reason SkinPen by Crown Aesthetics is the world's first FDA- cleared microneedling device.
Is it Safe
Microneedling procedures tend to cost less that the alternatives, due to their non-invasive nature. the cost of SkinPen procedures varies depending on the size and the number of treatment areas. During your consultation, your provider can develop a plan to work within your budget.
How much does it cost
SkinPen creates hundreds ti thousands of "micro" skin punches per second to stimulate the skin's natural wound healing process- inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling- to prompt tissue remodeling without causing scar tissue formation. Most patients can return to normal activities within 24 hours.
How Does it work
Unlike some alternatives, SkinPen has been clinically proven to be effective for women and men with all Fitzpatrick Skin Type I - VI. Likewise, unlike lasers or chemical peels that can damage skin over the long term, SkinPen treatments, when properly spaced and overseen by a physician, can be used for years
Will it work for me
SkinPen should not be used on patients who have active skin cancer in the treatment area(s); open wounds, sores, or irritated skin in the treatment area(s); an allergy to stainless steel or anesthetics; a hemorrhagic (bleeding) disorder or hemostatic (bleeding) disfunction; are pregnant or nursing; or are currently taking drugs with the ingredient isotretinoin (such as Accutane) . Talk to your doctor to see if this treatment is right for you.
Who Should Not use it
Quite a bit, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's clearance covers not only the SkinPen device but the entire protocol. That includes the SkinFuse Lift HG hydrogel used to protect against abrasion and friction during the treatment, as well as the custom- designed BioSheath to prevent cross contamination
What is FDA approved


PEP Factor
Safe and effective treatment that has been FDA cleared to reduce the appearance
of wrinkles, acne, stretch marks and other skin conditions. It is also an excellent
option for healing burn scars from accidents or surgical procedures


The application of plasma from client which makes the microneedling more effective. It is a powerful way of tightening facial skin, treat acne scars, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, large pores and uneven skin texture. Can also be used to decrease the look of stretch marks